Montgomery County, PA

The Borough of Pennsburg is located is scenic northern Montgomery County. Pennsburg prides itself on being a small, friendly community. With approximately 3,800 residents, Pennsburg Borough covers less than one square mile. Our website provides vital information for residents and visitors about public services, current events, permits, meeting dates and more.
Jason Kulp, Roads & Maintenance Department Supervisor
Brendan Beshore, Roads & Maintenance Department Assistant
Toby Cole, Roads & Maintenance Department Assistant
Please contact the Borough Office at (215) 679-4546 ext. 4 to report any roads related issues.
To Report Potholes on State Roads (Route 663 & Route 29) CALL 610-275-2368
or submit a concern at the PennDot Customer Care Center:
2025 Chipping Schedule
May 12
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 8
The chipping schedule is the 2nd Monday of each month from May through September,
and weekly April and October.
Christmas trees are picked up weekly in January.
Please have branches out for collection for Monday.
If there is inclement weather, pickup will be the next appropriate day.
April & October pick-up will take place weekly on Mondays, weather permitting. This service is provided by the borough. May through September pick up will take place the second Monday of each month, weather permitting.
Trees removed from your property cannot be put out for chipping, please contact a tree removal service.
• Place branches, hard covered bark only, clear of root balls & dirt where you normally place your trash.
• Branches can be no larger than 2" in diameter.
• Smaller pieces should be placed in a container.
• Stack branches neatly with butts of branches facing one direction.
• There is a 10 minute time limit for each stop.
• The following will not be picked up: vines, root balls, flowers, weeds, bamboo, leaves, bush trimmings, branches with fruit, dried flower stems, grass clippings.
• This service is not intended for downed trees (cut down or fallen trees) or lumber.
• Christmas trees will be picked up weekly in January. Place your trees where you normally place your
branches for pick up, with all lights and ornaments removed.
Borough Ordinance requires property owners / occupants to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 24 hours after snow or freezing rain has ceased to fall. Please wait until the borough snow plows have finished plowing before you begin snow removal. Do not deposit removed snow onto roadways. Remember to keep fire hydrants on your property clear and open.
Borough Ordinance requires property owners to maintain grass and weeds on their property at a height not to exceed 8 inches.
Dates will be announced.
The leaf collection program has been discontinued. You may bag your leaves and place them out with trash collection. For specific information, please visit Trash & Recycling.
Consider composting your yard and food waste. Information is available at:
Guide to Home Composting (PA DEP)